Healing the gut begins with honoring ourselves—body, mind, and spirit. One of the most helpful ways to begin healing the gut is to become aware of the subtle energy system from which the rest of our bodily systems operate—the chakra system. If you’re new to chakras I encourage you to first watch the YouTube video, Everything You Need to Know about Chakras by Spirit Science.

Healing the gut, specifically, involves understanding the solar plexus, or manipura chakra. Your solar plexus is your center of personal power. It is embodied by the frequency of the color yellow, and characterized by power, confidence, transformation, and control. When your solar plexus is open and active, you feel inspired to take action and empowered on your path to both material and spiritual success.

When we experience physical symptoms, it is so key to understand that physical symptoms are simply manifestations of energetic blockages. Physical symptoms often begin as whispers—gentle whispers from our body, inviting us inward. If someone whispers to you, and you can’t hear them, you would hope that they would speak a little louder, isn’t it so? Ignored whispers become calls. We have all kinds of names for these calls—the scariest being “cancer”—but recognizing that any diagnosis, disease, or cancer is a simply a call from your very intelligent body is key to your healing and your freedom. All we have to do is slow down… and listen.

Physical symptoms related to our gut, or solar plexus, are an invitation from our highest self, our energetic body, to address, overcome, and release our fears, insecurities, and emotional blockages. You are being called to honor yourself; to know that you are already perfect, just as you are, and to transmute your pain into progress.

It’s all about the daily practices…

  • Listen to the “Honor Yourself: Solar Plexus Meditation” by Londrelle on your music app or YouTube.
  • Take a few moments each morning and each night to go within and reflect on these prompts, either out loud, in your mind, or in a journal.
    • Morning prompts: When was the last time you celebrated yourself? What can you do today to honor your existence? What inspires you to stay committed?
    • Nightly prompts: In the battle between your good and not-so-good habits, which side won today? How do you feel about your answer? Can you find one thing to celebrate yourself for today?
  • Yoga
    • To calm/detox the solar plexus, try twists (these work wonders for digestion/bloating):

Taylor Yoga Twist

    • To energize, try core strengthening poses like planks and knee to chest:

Taylor Yoga Knee to chest

There is so much more to gut health than just this, but hopefully this serves as a helpful place to begin your journey. A lot of our gut health has to do with what we put into our bodies on a daily basis. If you would like to go deeper, here are some powerful resources:

Get your Gut Health Right with Pharmacist, Kacy Schloss

Love your Gut: Healing a Wounded Nation with Staci Joy, board certified holistic public health nurse


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